3rd Towards THz Comms Workshop
Date: 12 Mar 2021
Location: Online
3rd Towards Terahertz Communications Workshop (3TTCW)
FRI 12 Mar-2021; online
The B5G Cluster is pleased to confirm agenda of 3TTCW! The workshop covered the latest EU research on THz communications, with guest speakers from industry to consider practical and commercial perspectives.
There were online poster sessions and break-out rooms for discussion, and the workshop was concluded by a panel session on the “Industrial Future of THz Comms.”
Some of the slides from the workshop are available below.
Opening Keynote Bringing THz communication to the mass market: No longer an illusion |
Prof. Piet Wambacq IMEC |
Session 1: Latest THz comms project results |
TERAPOD THz comms in a data centre environment |
Dr. Alan Davy Waterford Institute of Technology |
ThoR THz end-to-end ultra-high data rate wireless systems |
Prof. Thomas Kürner TU Braunschweig |
DREAM Integration of THz electronics |
Dr. Vladimir Ermolov VTT |
EPIC 6G-era channel coding technology for THz systems: Final outcomes of the EPIC project |
Dr. Onur Sahin InterDigital |
TERRANOVA Project results and introduction to ARIADNE |
Prof. Angeliki Alexiou University of Piraeus |
Car2TERA Sub-THz car radar and THz-over-fiber data links |
Prof. Joachim Oberhammer KTH Royal Institute of Technology |
Progress in H2020 ULTRAWAVE D-band point-to-multipoint wireless distribution |
Prof. Claudio Paoloni University of Lancaster |
WORTECS Project and proof of concept overview |
Dr. Oliver Bouchet Orange |
TERAWAY: Disruptive technologies for photonics-enabled THz transceivers for ultra-broadband links |
Dr. Muhsin Ali Universidad Carlos III de Madrid |
WIPLASH: Wireless communications in the terahertz band for massive heterogeneous computer architectures | Dr. Akshay Jain and Dr. Sergi Abadal Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya |
Session 2: Future THz comms challenges |
6G Flagship The potential role of THz in 6G |
Prof. Matti Latva-aho University of Oulu |
THz communication: A technology enabler for 6G? |
Dr. Valerio Frascolla Intel |
Brainstorm session THz comms challenges |
Dr. Alan Davy Waterford Institute of Technology |
Session 3: Industry perspective on THz comms |
The age of the THz – 6G technology and architecture vision to connect the worlds |
Dr. Volker Ziegler 6G Leadership Bell Labs & CTO Nokia Strategy and Technology |
Scalable mmW architecture and implementation towards THz solutions |
Eric Mercier CEA-Leti |
Panel discussion and questions Industrial future of THz comms |
Prof. Claudio Paoloni University of Lancaster |
Archive: 2TTCW
Selected presentations from the previous event in 2019 (2TTCW) are available here.